I participated in the Season of Friendship swap that Amy of Bumble Bee Lane hosted and was partnered with Jan MacKay of My Primitive Nest. We were able to pick one season that we loved and answered some questions about prim things that we enjoyed. I picked spring as my favorite season.
We were to read each others blog to get to know what each other liked and of course Jan and I exchanged emails. We discussed favorite themes, color preferences, and such. Armed with our knowledge we were to put together a swap package that was our partner..
Jan sent me this cute sewing box with a pin cushion on top. I had posted a while back that I lent my pin cushion to a neighbors daughter and the pin cushion was never returned...boy did Jan do her homework on that one. I don't think I'll be lending this one out!
Jan also sent this cute bunny. I know that I have shared my recent bunny purchases from etsy, but had Jan read my blog that thoroughly to find my post about our real lop earred bunny, Toonies? I think that post is over a year old...wow! Was she ever thorough!
Imagine my surprise when I opened the sewing box and there was this cute little mouse hiding inside. I am a huge Mickey Mouse and stuffed mouse fan...the real ones that scurry around, not so much!
There was also a cute little bird, lip balm, a pad of paper....you know me, the list maker, and a craft picture frame in the box too. Thank you so much Jan for being a great swap partner. Everything was lovely.
Jan's package is on it's way to her as we speak. Seems as I ran the printer out of ink and it refused to print another thing til I was able to get a refill, so with that all take care of, I was able to print the label to send Jan's package on it's way. I'll share what I sent her at a later date...don't wanna ruin the surprise.
Until next time...