I am so excited! I am half way there. Half way to where you are asking? No, not to being crazy....been halfway there forever! LOL! I'm half way to my total weight loss goal! I'm down 17 pounds and my clothes are fitting sooo much better...My pants are baggy for the first time in years! Yeah!
I've added a few things to my walking routine. I bought a pair of Sketchers Shape Ups. I've been looking at them for a long time but with a price tag of $109, they were staying right on the shelf at Kohl's. Well, got a 30% off coupon and Kohl's had them on sale for $69 and with the coupon that made them $48, so bought them. They really do work your leg muscles if you walk correctly in them. And boy are they comfy!
I also added a set of #1 pound hand weights. Have been using them for about 3 weeks now and almost ready to move up to 2# ones. Last week I added 1 1/2# ankle weights. I gotta tell you that the makers of the ankle weights must think that women all have pencil thin ankles! NOT! Chubby gals want to wear ankle weights too! I don't think I have cankles, but apparently I do. I can barely get the velcro attached! Well hopefully my ankles will shrink and I'll be able to wear them more comfortably.
I also use a pedometer. It helps keep me on track knowing just how far I have walked. My hubby will walk with me some days and while I like to walk a specific route, he doesn't. So I use the pedometer to know when I've walked my 2-2 1/2 miles.
Which brings me to my last indispensible walking tool...my IPOD touch! Gotta have music while walking. Just wish I wasn't so tech challenged with it. Seems like I enlarged the screen the other day. I don't know "how" I did it, but I do know when it happened...I was changing artists. Had to get the 15 yr old son, to help me out and change it back...seems like I pushed something in settings to make the change. Honestly I didn't, but I guess I did! LOL!
Until next time....