The Primitive and Folk Artist group on etsy had a member swap and I was paired up with Deb Riddell of Paxton Valley Folk Art as a swap partner. I was really excited to be Deb's swap partner and apprehensive at the same time. Not that Deb is picky or anything, it's just difficult for me to paint for another painter. I sit and second and third guess what I am going to paint! LOL!
I knew what surface I wanted to use, just needed to find the pattern. I settled on an Easter bunny design by Terrye French to paint on the pocket. That was of course, after I had basecoated a second pocket dark blue. I had completely forgotten that Deb wasn't a pastel kinda gal, and the first pocket was basecoated a light green.
Since I was already late in sending my package, which I will explain later, I wanted to also send something that was springy just in case, the package didn't make it in time for Easter, so taking another design by Terrye French I painted a little spring sheep on a large wood hangtag.
I also sent this inspirational sign that Deb can keep out year round. I love this new design with the little sheepie and willow tree....too cute!
And here is the reason that I was late...seems like the goodies that I had purchased to send with the swap disappeared. I found the wrapper evidence and set about finding out "which" male in my house ate my swap didn't take long to find the culprit. So that meant another trip to the store to pick up some goodies to send.
I stopped by Target to get some more goodies and they had the cutest little pot with coneflower seeds in it and with echinecea's being my favorite perennial, I couldn't resist. I also sent a yankee candle in cotton blossom scent...oh my, is that scent ever delightful. I replaced the goodies that were consumed and added the Lindt truffles...they are to die for! I made sure that the goodies went right into the shipping box when I got home from Target so there wasn't any temptation.
Sent hubby with the postage paid box to the post office. There was some confusion once there about the customs form...mental note to self, next time check the order of the customs forms. After a phone call the package was finally on it's way. It seemed like it took so long, I thought that the custom agents may have confiscated the package for the goodies, but it finally arrived and everything was well receive. It was really fun being Deb's swap partner and getting to know her a little better through email.
Until next time....