How many people made a New Years resolution to get their business and life on track and less cluttered? I know I do every year and while I don't quite end up as I had envisioned, at years end, I have made improvements.
I was just reading a magazine article that talked about this very thing...how to get on track and stay focused. And the perfect time to start is now.
One of the first things that they discussed was Touch it Once. Either do it, delegate it, file it or ditch it. Some hard words to live by, but if you adopt this philosophy things can only get better.

Another important point that was made was in regards to bookkeeping. Set up a system where you do the paperwork needed for your business now and keep it current. Make sure to enter onto a spreadsheet all those expense and income now, while you go through the year. It will make next years tax preparation so much easier and you could see at a glance just where your business stands if you have good financial information at your finger tips. Also find an accounting system that is easy and the right fit cause if you don't then you won't probably use it.

Make an extensive list of things to do for the day. Accomplish the most difficult ones first, because you don't want it to stare you in the face all day, now do ya? Making list also has a concreteness about it. You can visually see what you would like to accomplish and when you do get something done nothing like seeing it crossed off that list to warm your heart. I am a big list maker and when I follow my list it helps to keep me on track and focused.

Be selective with your time. Limit outside interruptions. If you don't value your time don't expect anyone else to. This includes family and friends. How many times have you heard "She doesn't have a "real" job, cause she works from home"? Little do they know that we probably spend more time doing what we do than working at a 9-5 job entails.

Decompress. Do something just for you. Make appointments with yourself. If you workout make sure to schedule it just as you would any other appointment. Make yourself a priority.

And finally stay up with technology. Even if you upgraded your software/hardware in the last 5 years, it may be out of date. Stay abreast of the new features of the software/hardware you are using and evaluate whether updating is worth the expense. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.
Hopefully this will give both you and me some things to think about and make a plan to implement these ideas. The sooner, the better.