Monday, April 30, 2012
Do you Wanelo?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Change....I just don't know!
Ok, so I came to catch up on everybody's blog but wait...hold the bus...Blogger has changed everything! I have to ask myself...was it broken? Did it not work? What was wrong with the old blogger? I guess something is or should I say was?

So now I have to relearn how to float my pictures left and right....you see I did that manually each time...got use to doing it that way after the last change blogger made to pictures uploads. I would just go in and rewrite that part of the html and the picture would be center, right or left...right where I wanted it. With this new version it makes it harder to find where in the code I need to change...maybe it's just this huge 23" computer monitor that is stretching and skewing everything out of place? Anyway, hopefully I'll figure it out soon.

In the meantime, I guess I'll go stumble around blogland and catch up on what everybody is doing. Really, it's not that I don't like change....I just hate having to reinvent the wheel every darn time!
Until next time....

Friday, April 20, 2012
Looking Lovely

After almost 3 weeks without any significant rain, we finally got about 1/2 a day of on and off showers. Look what little lovely popped open. I have this clematis growing up my chain link fence and it didn't bloom at all last year but it did yesterday, giving me 3 lovely blooms. I guess maybe it liked the drier weather? Who knows!
Until next time...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Cause I'm The Tax Man!

Ok, so who has procrastinated and is waiting til the last minute to file? I am raising my hand! Really, we could have filed yesterday as I had finished all the preparation for the forms at noon. I mean, that was almost 24 hours ago! But the hubby always has other ideas...he needs to study the numbers. He needs to evaluate the new tax laws and see if they apply. Really what he needs to do is just fill in the online forms...just plunk the darn numbers in and be done with the whole thing...but nope...he likes to take his time. It's not like the numbers are going to change or anything!

I swear every year, I say I am going to be better. That I am going to be more organized. I do start the year off great with good intentions but somewhere around mid year I go off track. Well not this year. Yep, you heard right! I will be staying on track even if it kills me! With 2 businesses to do the bookkeeping for and actually work in, it's more than a 40+ hour work week most weeks.
Also since Ian is going to be a senior in high school next year, and the dreaded FAFSA form for college money is due at the beginning of March, I will have to be more organized and on the ball...no more rushing to hit the file button electronically at 11:59 on April 15th!
I would also be remiss, if I didn't personally thank the Federal government for the 2 additional days this year...yep, it gave me more time to procrastinate, after all I avoid doing my taxes like the plague. Anyway, the hubby is almost ready to push the "file form" button...now if he would just do it!

Until next time....

Sunday, April 15, 2012
Did A Little Spring Cleaning

Did a little spring cleaning recently. Tell me why do I leave my perennial bed looking like this all winter? I really should have cleaned it up last fall. Guess I was leaving the seed pods on the echineacas for the birds...yeah, that sounds good!

Really it had more to do with being so busy with online sales and fall craftshows than anything else. Plus I really don't like late fall in my perennial bed...it is a lot duller than spring....the flowers are all dying. We even had an earlier than usual frost for here and the snow was flying, if only briefly on Halloween weekend.

Anyway, I finally got out there and got all the beds cleaned our, cut back and mulched. Even bought some pansies to plant around the tree and in the front porch bed, but if the weather keeps going like it has been, they will be toast before too long.

One nice thing about our early spring and really warm temps is that my echineceas are popping through. They are my favorite flower and it looks like all the varieties have survived another winter. I can't wait til all my flowers come in bloom. I'll be sure to share Mother Natures beauty with you all too!
Until next time....

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Happy Easter!

Just wanted to hop in and wish you all a very Happy Easter. It's a gorgeous day here.
You can find this cute Easter sign on my website. Try not to eat too many chocolate bunnies or peanut butter eggs.
Until next time...

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Workin' At The Car Wash
Today Ian's robotics club held a car wash to help raise money for their trip to Anaheim in 2 weeks. The whole club showed up to help even with it being spring break. It was nice to see all the kids and adults there working as a team.
They raised close to $500 for the 4 hours of work. Way to go Towson Terminators! On to Anaheim and the trip to The World Robotics Competition.

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