Aren't they so pretty? I never thought I would be saying that about a washer and dryer. I mean the main thing about a washer and dryer is that they are functional and do the job, right?
Anyway, we've been looking at new washers and dryers for months now, or should I say that I have been and the hubby has been avoiding looking, cause he knew that looking would equal buying. I researched them in the spring when the Feds were offering the "cash for clunkers" rebate, but the hubby nixed the idea then. Well as time went on and the higher electric bills kept coming in, the hubby decided it was time to go look again at new dryers, not to mention that a new local Lowes was opening and I had a 10% off coupon. So off we went. We found the dryer that we wanted and talked to the sales guy. Lowes would give up the 10% with the coupon and another 10% for opening up a charge to place them on.
Well that just opened up a whole new deal...I had to have the washer now, as we would be saving 20% off that too. So we walked out of the store, planning on returning but off to check another appliance store out as they were having a sale too. So we get there, look for the same model and find out it's discontinued but replaced with a much nicer model=more bells and whistles! Woohoo! So we talked to the sales guy, who matched the 20% off that we would have gotten at Lowes and that sealed the deal. Oh, and to top it off our gas and electric company was offering a $150 rebate on the washer and the delivery fee would be rebated too! WOOHOO! My kind of deal!

We did all the paperwork, leaving with a promise for a phone call the next day to confirm our delivery date. Being the practical gal that I am, I ordered the white pair, as you can see by the picture my utility room leaves a lot to be desired. Maybe one day, I'll get the hubby to drywall and stud the thing out, but for now, it ain't broke, he ain't fixin' it! Anyway, back to the phone call...I get one about noon the next day. The white ones are being delayed in getting them to the warehouse, would I take in their place the pair of ruby red ones, the ones just like on the showroom floor instead. It took me all of 2 seconds to say yes. Now don't the red ones look better than the white ones?
The pair were delivered yesterday. The delivery guys were top notch. They hauled away the old Maytag, it was 25 yrs old, and a workhorse, and the newer electric dryer. The new pair are sitting in the utility room, waiting to be put in place. We have a few things to do first. There's a shelf that has to be moved as we are stacking these babies. The gas line has to be relocated and a new dryer vent has to be run. Thankfully I managed to get all the laundry caught up yesterday while waiting for the delivery, so the hubby has a few days to get things done.
Apparently, I also have to relearn how to do laundry. These new machines come with all sorts of washing options, it's enough to make your head spin. I will actually have to read the owners manual, which I never do...maybe I'll just let the hubby read it, then he can tell me. I am so looking forward to having a new washer and dryer that is not only more energy and water efficient but will save me about $20 bucks a month on my utility bill by switching to gas on the dryer. And we all know what that means....more money to spend on "other things"! LOL! I already have the my eye on something but shhhhh....don't tell the hubby!