Looking for something to do on a cold snowy winter day in Maryland? Why not take a plunge into the Chesapeake Bay with 1000's of other participants in the 2010 MSP polar Bear Plunge. Why? I know you are asking yourself this question...why would people that have their right mental faculties about them take a dip into the Chesapeake Bay on a frigid day in January? Simple answer: to benefit the Maryland Special Olympics.
The local tv and radio personalities all donate their time and efforts to this worthy cause...many by taking the actual dip themselves. There are team events where they plunge once an hour for 24 hours. Kinda nuts, if you ask me...How do you convince yourself to go back in after the first time, but to do it 23 more times...well that's just beyond me!
This year my middle son Josh decided to take the plunge. He was able to raise $170 in donations for the cause. Wish I could have been there to see it, but it's freezing here and snowing...did I forget to mention that? Well it is!
Josh is suppose to go in to the Chesapeake Bay at 1 pm...hopefully someone in his group that he is with will get a picture for me to post.
So far the plunge has raised in contributions almost $2.8 million. You don't have to plunge to participate. You can just click on the link that I have included above and donate. I know I have twice. Once in my sons Josh's name and once for my other sons, Sean's, Community Employment Advocate Kevin that is plunging, who works with him to find employment.
Anyway, just thought I share what the crazy people in Maryland do on a snowy frigid day in January!