Last weekend we had the privilege of participating in Catoctin Colorfest held in the scenic little town of Thurmont Maryland. It's a quaint little town with many gifts shoppes, antiques shoppes and a few nice eateries. On the second weekend in October this sleepy little town of 6000 is flooded with more than 150,000 visitors.
During Colorfest weekend you will find yard sales, flea market items and lots of arts & crafts located in any nook or cranny that someone can pop up a tent and set up in. Vendors even set up in the local car washes bays! It's an amazing sight to newcomers to the show. Parking is at a premium but there is regular shuttle bus service from many outlying locations into the town during the show.

This is one of the biggest shows that we do each year, and we spend many hours gearing up making product to sell. My family helps with set up, manning the cash registers, restocking and packing up, so you could say it's a family affair for me.

We see many friends each year there and make some new ones along the way. Here's Bill Anderson, who we have been friends with he and his wife Rhonda for years. Bill and Rhonda travel from the lower Eastern Shore of MD to set up and sell. We use to see Roni and Bill at many shows, but due to circumstances they have cut back on their shows and we see them 2 times a year. This year Rhonda wasn't able to come to the show due to the flu...missed seeing her.

I took this picture of Steph from Puppywear...she is quite the character as you can see from her pose. We had a good time chatting and getting to know each other this past weekend. She sells all kinds of clothing for dogs...from the little bitty ones to the oversize 2x ones.

Here is Bella one of Steph's customers modeling her new Puppywear coat. Isn't she the cutest little thing?

The weekend turned out to be beautiful and a big success. If you are ever in the vicinity of Maryland on the second weekend in October, be sure to stop and take in all the Catoctin Colorfest has to offer. You'll even have a spectacular view along the way from Mother Nature and the fall foliage.